Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses | A Military Engineer’s Perspective (Edn 2)


The Blockhouses of South Africa is a fresh analytical look at the how the construction of over 9,000 small fortifications during the Boer War sought to change its course.  From tracing the British Army’s use of blockhouses prior to the war, to what conditions were like for the average “Tommy” fighting in these structures; it is a deep dive into topic, previously not undertaken.

The author examines all aspects of the South African blockhouses during the war; from their initial concept to protect key bridges and how this nascent doctrine morphed into mass-produced, low cost, pre-fabricated forts deployed in long lines across the veld. This evolution is illustrated with the detail of how they were built, occupied, and operated in a system designed to defeat the roving Boer Commandos.

The ‘blockhouse strategy’ used by Lord Kitchener during the Guerrilla Phase of the war is examined as part of the wider strategy used to bring the war to its conclusion.  Through detailed analysis and the lens of military expert the author finally answers the question “Did the blockhouses win the war?” or were they merely the strategy of a “Blockhead?”.

Now updated with an extensive index.


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"Simon, yet again, congratulations with an excellent publication and also for donating one for our library."
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"I am halfway through your book and thoroughly enjoying it. Your knowledge and research is most commendable - this was a massive project. Well done indeed"
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“What an excellent book, excellent. Well researched and packed with information. Great blend of pictures and graphs as well which makes it an enjoyable read. A job well done and long overdue”
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“Simon, I just finished your book. Congratulations on a well-researched and thoroughly enjoyable read. I learned something new about my country and that is a good thing”